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tv   Interviews Culture Art Documentaries and Sports  RT  May 4, 2014 11:00am-2:01pm EDT

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it has absolutely no place. to day's top stories in the week's headlines here in r t the number of casualties from the ukrainian government's military threat down the east grows fueling unrest in several more cities in the region. give russia is to blame russia for the tragedy in the disaster as a southern ukrainian city mourns dozens of anti-government activists killed in a down inferno and in clashes with radical extremists. tortured to death by the state an american prisoner suffers a slow painful execution as on a test a drugs are used for the lethal injection it's three calls for a moratorium on capital punishment plus. we report from iraq where bloodshed and civilian deaths blight the country's first
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general election since u.s. combat troops moved out a poll that shows no clear winner yet. it was hard to international with me arena joshie welcome and we start in eastern ukraine where a military crackdown on anti-government activists has been gathering pace this week at least seven people are now confirmed that in a day of fighting for control of the city of qom a tourist one of the hog bads event a key for assistance violence is also rup to the cross other cities in the rest of region are policy or is there for us. dramatic developments here in southeastern ukraine where the news is unfolding fast and furious if we start with the town of qana tosk which is around seventeen kilometers from where i am it's not beyond there potest is all in control of the state interest square but the rest of the
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town has now been taken over by the ukrainian army all the shops are closed and we know we receiving reports that some four factories have been shut down this affects the employment of some sixty thousand people who are now without jobs a region is a region where all public transport has been shut down what this means is that nobody can arrive here only from here using either the buses or the trains this is a weekend operation that took place it started on friday here in slavyansk it's affected kramatorsk it is fighting here is announcement that it will crack down militarily against these protesters many of whom have taken up administration buildings in this part of the country in the city of new gun square now receiving reports of on the list protesters say that they are in control of the local military enlistment offices and that they're handing out weapons but in a very controlled and organized manner they said that they doing this to keep order
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in the city overnight there was also an raced in the town of mario poll we were talking to people on the ground who said that the military had entered the town the empty key of protesters were inside the administration building and they were telling us that they were being given orders to evacuate the building or else the military was threatening that it would fire on them despite this there is media outlets who are reporting that there is no military operation in the city and that all of this on race doesn't state merely being instigated by the protesters but we did speak to people on the ground and this is what they told us. that i'm in the center of the city there are a lot of ambulances outside the local administration building gunfire is being heard armored vehicles have entered the city and are moving towards the center people are going in there is well to prevent the soldiers from shooting we're hoping they won't shoot at civilians though from what we've seen before we're not sure anymore. if you're armed vehicles started entering the city then the fire
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erupted mercenaries or the ukrainian national guard opened fire aiming at people's heads there's no fatalities so far but i can't say anything about the number of injured right now police have returned from the scene but people in dark uniforms can be seen in other parts of the city. kid has announced that this military operation is happening and starting here in the region but that it will then instigate similar operations in other regions here in ukraine so certainly the showdown feel for the violence and clashes is being created largest ball of the earth closely watching the situation in the region i'm dating you on all the latest via her twitter feed and her latest post she says shooting seems to have resumed near slavyansk so we follow her to keep up with events there. then.
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the authorities in kiev insist a military operation in east ukraine is aimed against what they call terrorists holding the civilian population hostage well here's how some of those civilians greeted the army's arrival. and. i. was sure i. was this was filmed in the town of qana tourist but similar scenes are taking place across the whole region for example locals were saying trying to stop military vehicles with their bare hands. the east has been tense for a while now but a tragedy that took place in the previously peaceful southern port of adesa sent shock waves worldwide dozens of anti-government activists there were burned alive in friday as a mob of radical nationalists fire bombed the building they took refuge in brief an arsonist sent us this report from a desktop and you will find some of the pictures there disturbing. the adesa
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massacre has some own ready colonics people were burnt alive suffocated to death over shot and cage that has become one of the bloodiest pages in the city's history since world war two. the chain of events that led to dozens of das started with which has become including snoop reality. clashes between police and the country's current trainers ordinary residents and members of the so-called self-defense units and supporters who intend to keep including fifteen thousand choice and five members. of the best that usually these clashes were peaceful sites managed the green without while it but the first start up for the violence and people lost their composure they were ready to go to them at the end happened here in the distance trade unions house the epicenter of protests by supporters of the plains
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federalization this is where the so-called my down accidents are rushed and they were destroying and bertie the activists tallies many went to hide inside of. what was meant to become a shelter to take me away for dozens after the building was set on fire. mcallister fan camps and block your home there to the building at the same time if you motoki talk to us along with the congregates in the window sadly this was nothing short of an execution mission where we want to burn for life now ukraine's a source she's for the first time since the crisis in the country started accused russia of being behind the violent events my with my more we command that russia stop using terrorism diversion and is a military threat as a way of putting pressure on countries cause a little bit even within the russian president is dressing up his diversion squads in uniforms which cannot be identified because he wants to destabilize our country
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in a desk. not aged less against the greed. the routine the fuel cells from the heart because it's right sector. and you will loopholes and i just i didn't know anything about what you think they were drinking and so not in labor. and police who wanted to interfere in the west when you would if you wish to obey god and until your local police was trying to read them through i doubt it wasn't a radio. playing every friday the joke trade knowing that the waters here in that town are relieved friday's events that's claimed the lives of at least forty people have shaking these lived about sixteen southern ukraine and many healthier lives has made the gap between the people and the store cheese. to the breached while the pain will be too strong to overcome. me. from my desk.
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and happening now in a desk iraq a thousand people have gathered near the police headquarters demanding the release of those who were detained after surviving friday's fire the authorities are letting some of the anti-government activists go that's after the crowd attempted to storm the building the people outside those numbers growing larger despite the rain are greeting their release activist with applause you can always get more updates from of this of via our twitter feed that's our team score com. now moscow could pay the price if give fails to take control is from ukraine i have the presidential election and the enemy washington amber when say the unrest is russia's all out war in the or next round of sanctions or hurt that's later in the program here i hear a national. a
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state execution went horribly wrong this week in the u.s. a prisoner spent almost an hour enduring a slow agonizing death after being given a lethal injection the botched killing has put america's death penalty back on trial and inmates are supposed to die within six minutes after receiving the liesl injection but that was the case for clayton lockett he took forty three minutes to die gasping and rising in pain before his heart finally gave up right of ordinary has been looking into then tested drugs now being used to kill the can damned. america is among the top five nations that lead the world in executions but a recent lethal injection gone bad the typical execution should take between about six and twelve minutes forty three minutes a van burst lines were closed because something was going so wrong is casting a spotlight on the inhumane methods behind capital punishment in the us the
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american public and the world is getting a close up and personal look at the death penalty as it really operates and what we're seeing is ugly on tuesday oklahoma inmate clean lockett died a slow and painful death after his lethal injection was administered witnesses say he was with the ring for forty three minutes telling doctors something's wrong before eventually suffering a massive heart attack lockett began rising from the gurney its head and ears were . tried to speak in like a few numbers well the first two or inaudible but the third are you could clearly hear it work. permits and it's based on. murder on quite a bit of a body shot or. according to reports the three drugs used to kill lockett are not primarily intended as execution drugs and come with a host of warnings about suppressing the respiratory system and causing heart trouble in recent years drug makers mostly in europe have stopped selling their
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medications to u.s. prisons because they don't want their products being used to kill individuals as a result states have scrambled to find new suppliers and chemical recipes for executions in many cases officials refuse to disclose what struggles are being used and where they're coming from when the states are refusing to provide this kind of information the tragic results that we saw in oklahoma are what we're going to get in january and ohio inmate took twenty five minutes to die by injection. gasping repeatedly as he laid on the stretcher in oklahoma another prisoner complained of feeling his whole body burning after being lethally injected the injections by the way are being administered by prison officials not medical professionals and medical community doctors in particular are prohibited by their ethical oath from participating in executions in this way and one of the issues that's come up over
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and over again is whether the people who are actually administering the drugs that engage in the executions have the training and and experience to do this in a way that is consistent with our constitution oklahoma has granted a two we call to all executions but in many other states critics say experiments on death row inmates will carry on marina port naya r.t. new york always on take a look at how capital punishment is administered across the u.s. it's allowed in thirty two states of the country and usually the lethal injection or electrocution are used but other options include gas chamber firing squad or even hanging one of the biggest concerns for prison campaigners is that one in twenty five executed inmates could well have been innocent and they want the authorities to be more transparent about who and how they kill. there's no question that bad things are happening or resulting from the use of these new and largely
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untested drugs that the government is not providing information on where they got them or in some cases what the drugs are the state proportions that it is executing people on behalf of the public to keep the public safe as part of the the public criminal justice system and so on if that's the case then the public has a right to know what is going on during that process what drugs they're using and what the effects of the drugs are and where those drugs came from the notion that our government can execute people basically in secret using drugs that they're not disclosing where they got them from or what the drugs are is a great immoral issue pretty much of violence in iraq how look out why washington as bones to pick with our team that are more after the break.
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the middle east peace this afternoon news is proud of this tremendous chance to pollute the peaceful dr but to chart the best for. what you claim it is just. a little rudy does hold. the peace process with. us the bible we know crossed over to go as a teacher at the drop of a pleasure said you know the love that you can see. me with the ninety six exposed to recognize israel and sing for you. there's a leader so we leave the baby. by the sea motions your. play your party is it the. jews that no one is asking with to get that you deserve answers from. politic you. are.
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welcome mat this is our team international counting is underway in iraq after this week's parliamentary election with initial results showing no party securing only well the vote didn't pass peacefully at least one hundred fifty people were killed as extremist groups carried out a series of nationwide bombings lives looks at whether this poll could in any way herald a peaceful new chapter for iraq. it's an election best described by the numbers. more than one thousand candidates are vying for over three hundred seats in parliament which will then elects the next president and prime minister some twenty one million iraqis are just there to vote in the first national election since the looked to all of us troops three years ago. but there are other figures to consider
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the growing number of iraqis killed in escalating violence and those displaced by war no single political bloc is likely to win a majority although prime minister nouri al maliki's state of law lines is expected to lead he's seeking a third term but it's hard to label the past few years a success moloch a had the country was sixteen percent unemployment widespread accusations of political corruption and crumbling public services but the real concern catastrophic levels of violence that got worse in the run up to the vote campaign rallies targeted by suicide bombers both sunni and shia militias have been out for blood. voting has been cancelled in parts of western iraq the u.s. led invasion brought shiite majority rule to the country which had turned the anbar province into a focal point of sunni discontent when i was in fallujah this time last year the province was in the midst of a political uprising because of the demonstrators had been demanding the release of
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sunni prisoners they one of an end to what they saw as political marginalization of their sect these days it's a no go area. al qaeda linked group seize control of key cities provoking fierce clashes with iraqi troops the government hasn't been able to restore order and atrocities committed by both molecules forces and the militants displaced a third of the population more than four hundred thousand civilians are now refugees within their own country it's hard to see a new path forward under the same government yet the opposition is too for. to mount a serious challenge and we're going to list of who wins the vote is just the start of a long process it took months to agree on a coalition after the last election the same is expected this time around which means that iraq will have to wait even longer for the change that so desperately needs from the party. of the u.k. police get a slap on the wrist for brushing a large number of criminal cases under the carpet
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a recent survey suggests as many as five crimes in britain go on the record it and all the details of this investigation of just a quicker way. out of the us spreads its influence further across the pacific striking a deal for access to military bases in the philippines at. washington stands firm that it's a moscow which is stirring the unrest in east ukraine the white house used these photos of people it claimed where russian agents even after the pictures were the bank moscow is also being accused of manipulating data and propaganda as are going to find out the claims are a little dubious. canary kerry keeps bringing up photographs which he says confirm the presence of russian operatives on the ground the state department saw the man the same bearded man now in ukraine and in georgia back in two thousand and eight then without any doubt came to the conclusion that it's moscow's hand they pointed at the bearded man in
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a group photo and claimed it was taken in russia among russian soldiers then the photographer of that very shot came out and said he in fact had taken the photo in eastern ukraine not russia anyway john kerry accuses r.t.u. of making false claims when fact checking is not exactly his department strong suit under secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs which are stengel sort of followed up on secretary kerry's attack on our team last week where he called us a propaganda bullhorn this is the angle is accusing artie of making false claims and he gives examples he writes consider the way our team manipulated a leaked a telephone call involving former ukrainian prime minister yulia tymoshenko through selective editing the network made it appear that tymoshenko advocated violence against russia or the constant reference to any ukrainian opposed to a russian takeover of the country as a terrorist or the unquestioning repetition of the ludicrous assertion last week that the united states has invested five billion dollars in regime change in ukraine these are not facts and they are not opinions there are false claims well
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first of all and yulia tymoshenko has leaked a conversation mr stengel accuses are doing. here mr want to go to bed related violence against russia you don't have to edit or manipulate anything when the person actually says that already but it's notable. you have used if you choose to free you and you have to be movie if. you have the most of the group at that very senior fellow said there's a vision of a pool in the case of the five billion dollars invested in ukraine mr stengel makes it sound as if are do you draw that amount out of the syrian air here is the. the president secretary of state for you know that in a new arrangement where i am victoria arlen have invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic train and in our coverage will continue to challenge everything the u.s. says about ukraine because if you only listen to what the u.s.
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state department says you would have a most distorted understanding of what's going on there in washington i'm going to check on our team now russia's foreign minister said western media outlets are crying propaganda over a tease coverage because of the competition of presents on twitter a former u.s. ambassador to russia michael mcfaul refer to growth as something to be scared about citing this graphic it shows how well various news outlets are doing on you tube and r.t. to washington's despair is topping the charts amid all the accusations over ukraine the u.s. and the e.u. are expanding sanctions against russia this week washington targeted seventeen russian companies and their owners all lengths to president putin according to the white house former speaker of the belgian parliament lot of a news believes moscow could react this time. will certainly not deny that these sanctions have some economic impact but i would should tell you not to size them.
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it's limited you should not forget that these sanctions basically surf the bubble to nations but this here in the west we have to actually if you can should the gravity of the situation there still quite mind which is not to say that they are politically soon will it be very intense and yes one leaned for sure will have to with left me strong. german chancellor merkel has backed the idea of more sanctions from moscow despite the country's business leaders urging her not to follow washington's lead and their point is that the us doesn't have much to lose its trade with russia reached only twenty seven billion dollars last year while the figure for europe is four hundred and ten billion dollars according to government and business consultant krista hurst on any further restrictions will hurt all sides. nobody in the game can afford any of these sanctions they will hurt both
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germany for example is the biggest part of russia and russia is the biggest part of old europe so what's the use of any sanctions that is washington's idea and the europeans not very much for that and that means that there is a discord no disagreement between the u.s. and the european union even if they come up with the same kind of sanctions right now. how far is the west ready to go for more on the odds of broader economic sanctions be hoes go to r.t. dot com. according to hire a sentence one hundred into supporters of the ousted president mohamed morsy ten years in jail they were accused of inciting violence and rioting following the military coup last july the ruling comes as part of a massive crackdown against the opposition launched by the military support a government ahead of this month's presidential election well here this week nearly
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seven hundred people mannie from the pro morsi muslim brotherhood were given preliminary death sentences and if the final verdict confirms that ruling it would herald one of the world's biggest executions of recent decades more than the number condemned to death in iran during an entire year while topping the list of countries handing out capital punishment or iraq saudi arabia and the united states china doesn't publish official numbers but amnesty international says beijing executes thousands of people each year and as for the mass sentencing headed out in egyptian political activist ahmed to keep says it's unlikely to quell the unrest. it's easy for the preliminary sentence to be so harsh because it politically serves as an intimidation tactic by the state towards the muslim brotherhood now this definitely has not deterred the muslim brotherhood from continuing protests will become egypt's next president will be faced with an. impossible economic situation
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the political continues political unrest economy will continue to suffer a major blows and the president cannot deliver economic services due to a society which inevitably will continue this cycle of underestimate violence the latest round of infighting between rebels in eastern syria has killed sixty two that's according to a u.k. based watchdog six thousand civilians have morally for the war ravaged area moderate rebels mamma could serve there the fighting each other for months after capturing some government troops has made a one hundred fifty thousand people have died of three years of civil war in syria . and more unrest in yemen where officials say at least thirty seven militants have been killed and having clashes with the army in the rest of south a suicide bomber also struck in the same region leaving six soldiers there and wounding dozens more earlier the yemeni launched
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a full scale offensive to women the militants have repeatedly targeted civilians and security forces in the area. well there's been another deadly gun rampage in the us were two people including a thirteen year old girl have been shot dead in a house in arkansas two boys of the same residents were also critically injured the gunmen later fatally shot another person before killing himself in a car earlier this week six people were injured planted after a delivery company employee opened fire on six of his colleagues. well your access. pass to the inner workings of our team in asheville comes next the latest episode.
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jeffrey chapman from kansas is going on trial for murder but he is very afraid of jury prejudice is it because the jury is full of racists or has some sort of vested interest in seeing him get locked away no it is because he is a giant tattoo on his neck of the word murder written backwards wiser and backwards so he could read it in the mirror. nowadays we live in a total culture of almost complete and total myth so naturally chapman wants to leave jail on a special trip to a tattoo parlor to get the ugly ink changed or moved yet because he did something stupid his appearance now it is the obligation of the government to help him fix the problem he created often on these opinion pieces i am very critical of the government but this time the man is totally right you can't just take everyone on special trips across town so they can look good for their trial it isn't the state's fault that he has the word murder on his neck the prosecutors even said that chapman that it would be ok if he covered it up with something like a stylish curve for dapper turtleneck sweater it is not the job of the government
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to help you get rid of your very stupid and very incriminating debt to a fascist my opinion. economic ups and downs in the final months they belong to the sang i and the rest it's a neat case it will be if we. today and made signs of moderate progress a secret peace. prize where demonstrators refuse to release in case what if. we
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are in space. very good evening should this is our team come july from moscow is just off to nine pm here kevin i want to go straight into breaking news from kiev. hello can you put me on to have a do in my life just find out what we're going to be. you know i'm like. no you know i don't tell you does.
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the problem we have right now is i have no mike for one second i can see him right now he's just going up the steps behind me. to see if we. are. ok guys you should be able to hear me right now got me hello hello do you hear me. did not receiving any sound guys. too. we're seeing sound. i see you. still if you can hear anything ok. you've got you've got it now ok did somebody. down correspondent is in kiev right now closely following the events as they are unfolding that let's now get the latest from he said we're seeing people's numbers on swelling behind you go
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your own way you find a moment. well we just want to relocate where we're speaking to you from square before however. we talk about four people reinforcing barricades there stockpiling rocks and other things that could be used as as weapons against the riot police they getting ready for a possible assault by riot police. barricades no it's not without. it is a chance that out is going to happen we have been hearing. opposition leaders had issued an ultimatum to the president of ukraine saying that they had twenty four hours in order to. initiate. elections here and that if he didn't do that then they would be moving towards more violent baby. violence right now but that hasn't stopped rioters from stockpiling rocks
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stockpiling molotov cocktails we were we were showing hundreds already pre-made. lots of boulders being cracked i mean to say these things are. place we'll have to see what comes of that later on as these negotiations take place as they try and bring an end to what's going on here. peter only about life thank you very much life in the next oh ok gotcha. this is mark. breaking news story right now twenty four poles are taken hostage in one of the most so i want to go there sure what's the location where you are right. downstairs.
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so you can go there i'll send you all the information and you can read it. there she is on their way. in case you don't have it ok of course no problem. so if you have any questions. i'm on my way. spanish services. twenty five minutes twenty five minutes so. i'm not quite sure what i had but it seems to have been three sandwiches which is.
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hello. ok so i'm going to be. like the good boy scout all right. but i. could. this was the scene when the police pushed the protesters off the squares and he was filming it from the balcony and one point he saw like the policeman aiming a gun at him. and kids just tried to hide. and then he heard one of the policemen telling the other policeman don't shoot him he's got the camera. so it was pretty intense here just how you can think about being scared you know it when one thing is happening you just
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have to saying basically huffing. how to cover your head in the first place. because everything else is not as important because if it hits you in the head and then you're done for. the. this. which to visit each. is putting like a little banner press on the balcony so that the police would not shoot us next time they're charging because you know it's hard to say what rushes through their minds when they're seeing a person with something standing on the balcony like you know they might think it's a sniper or a guy with a grenade launcher something that has the word press it was. it would help us a little bit. for poor lud us fight and it was i mean to be honest it was the most gold listing of it. was what was most gold list thing already listed was to tell them. that they were watching them throw the ball selves
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told the sun yes. threw molotov cocktails and so they just i think. it was a. cost effective. when it's just it'll be daylight but there was some of the guys used to some of the fine repast equaled some of the five rebel candidates rather yeah. the so. doing a story feature story on quite a sensitive topic here immigration. but far as i understand people. especially for the immigrants themselves and for a lot of other newcomers this is like a taboo subject so it's a difficult. we've four to do it's going to be difficult to get some interviews done apparently. and we're going to start today
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a main goal is just to film the street you shots of the city of places where a lot of immigrants. my friends german journalist based here told me that the best way to do it is discreetly. not to attract much attention several street markets where the lots of immigrants going to try to do it just. using my phone. in order not to try thing you mention make it seem like i'm a tourist so i don't want to. you know try to film some something secret just that i just don't want to try any attention. so we're trying to film. one of the districts in various with the police and they've been coming up to us and asking for some sort of awful documents. they're saying that usually groups out of eight people or so and. filming crews out to meet
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people is less than a beer. so we just moved away to another spot trying to film just street views. kind of weird i think. i'm not really sure why i still get a new pool here in paris like where in north korea you know boys were filming and secret facilities. army bases or whatever so there's always a possibility of either getting beat up beaten up. or arrested. like not even when you're doing anything. none of that happens. is true that's going to school we're going to go just stay here. we do speak english just ok perfect we're filming
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a bunch of reports here in paris we're from russia russian t.v. and. we're doing a story about fares and different districts of the city and also about weight different specters of society and how you know. so if we could do an interview with you well you could tell us about yourself. look pretty terrible actually. which is. ok because we're covering a story that. doesn't really matter i would like property. worth standing outside of a high school and this pink school right here i believe the public school here in moscow but a tenth grade a tenth grader a tenth grade boy. actually came in and shot up the school this morning and he killed the teacher and a security guard injured another one and took twenty four other students hostage
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and we're just going to go and report on it and that's the theme for people. nothing. oh. don't worry we'll be in now really fast i'm not going to stall this don't worry i know you're free thinker tied to where here i swear to you you're welcome my pleasure ok if you're going to get it done whether pedro if you turn my life. in. some town i love this place i love it here a movie called if you're in a place you told you like there was. no you. that is a very warm for you have a good. time studying of this. ok. to. much of the world.
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i marinate join me. for in-depth impartial and financial reporting very intricate and much much. only on the best and i. can put all this we will stand for europe the white europe the traditional europe for the free nation europe but. they should be arresting all those terrorists in kiev instead all of the presidential candidates
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the military junta the nazis who gave orders to kill their own people just because their culture and their views in different. ways what will slow those we have to live in peace with brothers we shouldn't fight each other one people will bring all this. we speak your language anybody will not advance. news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little eternity of angles stories. for you here. detroit spanish. visit.
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a little town one of the characters from the report. once again with the woman from africa she owns a shop and paul is embarrassed to tell us about her life and be like you know what. it's going to have someone from there it is the piece of the interview which i'm going to use my reporting. so now we've filmed the interview i'm pretty satisfied i think if i can use that. no i have to feel. this is the woman our character to do something with this the materials or whatever so that we have footage of her in her shop when i don't want
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all the talking about her in the report i'll have something to film to show the audience or while i'm talking about her we have to do pretty much every time we. film characters for the report. what i want. ok now i see. sweet. yes i've got a blanket with. my home os i don't have it. right. then so we just hear it's a project so there there was a good there and i had a. very nice also i think despite the difficulties with filming i. outside of the lake and problems with the police and some of the locals here we managed to find a character for the story an african woman who's been living here for eighteen
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years and she works that the schools we spoke about things which i was told before are like like a taboo here anything concerning immigration integration and so on does she did a great job explaining how things are here and what sort of wife she she's lives and she's been living i didn't think would find someone like that really so done one interview with another interview coming. also another. shop owner perhaps or. shop tenant who's also an immigrant. pretty much going to do the same. see who is going to come out of there and hopefully we'll get some more footage. so we're just going to do the same we're going to just walk in the two of us.
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teetering helpless twenty nine or thirty years to twenty four hostages you say ten radio that we talked to one of the friends in high school years had to say bradley had to grab another student one police officer how do we have any type of status or pretty about the other police officer helping. understand the education minister kind of inflame the conflict students or teachers and clearly had a conflict with a student or teacher but he's under some type of psychiatric evaluation. i'm going to. measure it's not standing up. well there you. read it.
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what you're hearing national coming to you live from moscow i'm marina josh welcome to the program teacher and a policeman are dead after a hostage incident at a moscow school the gunman who starred to have been one of the school's straight a students briefly took more than twenty students hostage archies margaret how is outside of school in the north of the capital was more for us well maybe to tell us what's the feeling on the ground what's the atmosphere there is everyone feeling safe now. well it does appear to be called mail and things have definitely calmed down from earlier this morning where i sat for a while i walked inside the room heard around the love a pop up somewhere and opened fire taken by pull out of the fathers and tell me what pretty officer killed one teacher aged twenty nine to thirty
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approximately ensured a third person the security guards currently in hospital he then went into a tenth grade class and proceeded to take twenty four other students hostage and the fansub and blackout that's not man made known to man and currently it's impossible to think of value and i understand he got hurt care about a lot going on with him but he has been taken into custody that we do know all right well this is very much a developing story here on r.g.p. international the magazine has so much for bringing us the details and i. know so we may have been directly but i don't much care i thank you for your help you know we're about us one but i like stories like this because i hear it on a limb is really high and it feels good to be here in russia so we have noticed you can walk right up to the crime family picked it up but. they're charging they're charging again at the police as we can see throwing rocks on the side i think i
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would put. them all you've got a. little small to get. you a few people seem to try and set up some kind of law. you can see. the ship because at the moment just going backwards and forwards and we've seen. right as we'll see place down there in a few minutes. the whole sky but if you look at it it's all black if there was good and tell you it was. peaceful there. which i guess we expected.
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you'd think that let's talk a little fossil get you ready to take us but it. will still. be the local it's a good. place and the ukrainian capital outsourcing antigovernment a riot has to abandon the barricades that says violence in central kiev rolls into its fourth day running and all season except here chefs is that for us right now except looks like the front line has been shifting that bullshit like now but i didn't hear anyone want to. go to war just minutes ago police made another attempt to push the protest the self determined to. push the riders about the independence
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of the fed up of the river right on to where i'm standing right now but then the protests george but this issue of changing every minute more you can put out by people who what you're trying to distract me to get right to where i'm going to. start with the fact that if i'm called will break the world no. talking. again so if you question is very much in the book i was a little more stable little hours ago. and she's actually your chef here and we do apologize for some unstable connection but. ok though it's a good. thing too but. what about the new when you. need this
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man was kind enough to. do it quickly because we're going to be scaring off his clients so want to do it fast so there's a place that it's. just it's a thought i would excuse the evil because i don't think i would. go to do. with. the phone call from the person this is a young. kid who did another one. some more stuff from another one. then three one good the second one today it's all because of. she's doing a great job helping us basically the more ordinary people we speak to the better for this story and it's the better it is the easier it is for me to understand the real situation here these are the live parts of the report because the rest are
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going to be either politicians or experts or. journalists maybe. this is the real human side because if you. lead from the pilot's take off my voice . his style can you tell us now. well things are a little calmer a little calmer in terms of the boys produced literally ten minutes ago this reminds of a child of war situation we saw less than an hour ago the first. basically it was a second attempt during this day that the police tried to push the rioters all things governmental a corner here in central kiev they pushed them off to basically where i'm standing right now literally five meters underneath the position to my vantage point where i'm standing right now set up a better ok then the riot just came back again charging at the police and pushed them off the square then in ten minutes ten minutes later the police made another
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charge at the riot just and again pushed them back and as you can see the situation again still this stalemate so it is very very violent here which seems scuffles we've seen lots of rocks molotov cocktails different type of project aisles of different type of steel bars and clubs thrown at the police the protesters rushing charging in attacking the police when there was much violence coming from the side of the of the riot police here but definitely this situation has been a very very so far we have c.e.o. you can also hear flash bangs exploding from time to time and it's really hard to say where this all going to go because today is my special occasion because it's like you need to date and the opposition called on hundreds of thousands to take to the streets for a march and provided the circumstances we're seeing over here right now it's hard to say how this march may end up so we are in a hotbed of tension looks like a war zone here in central essentially. said hey stay i say
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a chess game that. was good. to see. by. this story so. you can point. to said it was forty minutes without shouting one. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you can't afford. and different. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend still tends to
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rejection poetry keep count ignore it. post only what really matters at r.t. to your facebook news feed. personel data are trusted cloud service. that ensures protecting your privacy. could be a race to randomly get stolen. or become a target of the n.s.a. . what if unclouded sky is right above the clouds on our t.v. . the. war is probably the most complex of all human activity.
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on. the phenomenon of friendly fire probably extends back to the invention of gunpowder. kill a bunch of people you don't know if there are no friendlies there are a us people. right now writing. this son of a shoots my brother in the leg not intentional because of it because it was night times four in the morning even the best given the mess sold. are going to make mistakes this is this whole idea of brotherhood and author and camaraderie in this sense it was in this context that has absolutely no place.
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is actually what happened that day i don't know but a woman got killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime right. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about polygraph results. innocent people to confess to police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse they were off the table they could get what they wanted they could say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. the.
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day's top stories on the week's headlines from on t.v. the number of casualties from the ukrainian government's military crackdown in the east continues to grow fueling on rest in several more cities in the region. the time kim rushes to blame russia for the tragedy in odessa in the week as the southern ukrainian city mourns dozens of anti-government activists killed in a deadly inferno and clashes with radical extremists. told should to death by the state and american prisoners such as a slow painful execution is untested drugs they used for the lethal injection which reignited the calls for a moratorium on capital punishment plus. we report from iraq where bloodshed in civilian deaths blight the country's first general election since u.s. combat troops moved out
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a poll that shows no clear winner yet. very grieving this is the weekly around of the big stories of hope set the last seven days from marty with me kevin now in a first we started eastern ukraine where a military crackdown on anti-government activists has been gathering pace all this last week at least seven people now confirmed dead in a day of fighting for control in the city of kramatorsk where the hotbeds of anti kiev resistance violence is also ripped across other cities in the rest of region and his policy is their force. dramatic developments here in southeastern ukraine where the news is unfolding fast and furious if we start with the town of qana tosk which is around seventeen kilometers from where i am in slavyansk they protest as are in control of the central square but the rest of the town has now been taken
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over by the ukrainian army all the shops are closed and we know we receiving reports that some full factories have been shut down this affects the employment of some sixty thousand people who are now without jobs donetsk region is a region where all public transport has been shut down what this means is that nobody can arrive here or leave from here using either the buses or the trains this is a weekend operation that took place it started on friday here in slavyansk it's affected kramatorsk it is falling fears announcement that it will crack down militarily against these protesters many of whom have taken up administration buildings in this part of the country in the city of new gun square now receiving reports of a list protesters say that they are in control of the local military enlistment offices and that they're handing out weapons but in a very controlled and organized manner they say that they doing this to keep order in the city overnight there was also an raced in the town of mario poll we were
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talking to people on the ground who said that the military had entered the town the empty key of protesters were inside the administration building and they were telling us that they were being given orders to evacuate the building or else the military was threatening that it would fire on them despite this there is media outlets who are reporting that there is no military operation in the city and that all of this on race has instead merely been instigated by the protesters but we did speak to people on the ground and this is what they told us. i'm in the center of the city there are a lot of ambulances outside the local administration building gunfire is being heard armored vehicles have entered the city and are moving towards the center people are going in there is well to prevent the soldiers from shooting we're hoping they won't shoot at civilians though from what we've seen before we're not sure anymore. armored vehicle started entering the city then the fire erupted
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mercenaries or the ukrainian national guard opened fire aiming at people's heads there's no free tally so far but i can't see anything about the number of injured right now police have returned from the scene but people in dark uniforms can be seen in other parts of the city. kid has announced that his military operation is happening and starting here in need in its region but that it will then instigate similar operations in other regions here in ukraine so certainly the showdown for further violence and clashes is being created artie's paul asli is closely watching the situation in the region of dating and all the latest fire a twitter feed as well and the latest post she says shooting seems to resume again follow her to keep up with all the ongoing events that. are being. on. for their part the authorities in kiev insist the military operation nice ukraine is aimed against what they call terrorists holding the civilian
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population hostage well here's how some of those civilians greeted the army's arrival. it. was i. was there for doesn't fit into the narrative all this talk about this was filmed in the town of kramatorsk but similar scenes are taking place across the whole region instead vance for example locals will see trying to stop military vehicles but. i. these has been tense for a good while now but a tragedy that took place in the previously peaceful southern port of odessa this last week sent shock waves worldwide dozens of anti-government activists were burned alive on friday as a mob of radical nationalists firebomb the building they took refuge in riff national centers this report. may find some of the pictures coming up here upsetting. the adesa massacre as some are already calling it people were burned alive suffocated to death over shot and killed that has become one of the bloodiest
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pages in the city's history since world war two. the chain of events that led to dozens of deaths started with what has become in crane's new reality. clashes between opponents of the country's current rulers ordinary residents and members of the so-called self-defense units and supporters of the interim government in kiev including food book and choice and far right members. the best that usually these clashes were peaceful sides managed to agree without violence but the first death stored up further violence and people lost their composure they were ready to go to them. the end happened here in addresses trade unions house the epicenter of protests by supporters of ukraine's federalization this is where the so-called my down accidents rushed they were destroying and burning the activists towns many ran
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to hide inside a building that was meant to become a shelter became a graveyard for dozens after the building was set on fire. the polish the fan camps and blocked off all the exits to the building at the same time if threw molotov cocktails along with stun grenades into the windows this was nothing short of an execution mission where people were burnt alive ukraine's a source she's for the first time since the crisis in the country started accused russia of being behind the violent events where we're more and more we demand that russia stop using terrorism diversion and its military threat as a way of putting pressure on our countries cause i'm betting that the russian president is dressing up his diversion squads and uniforms which cannot be identified because he wants to destabilize our country but in a dress or not all the residents agreed. they brought in the fuel cells from
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heart and right sector along with my done self defense forces showed up to the locals and i just i didn't know anything about it they were out drinking and celebrating labor day it was all pre-planned and police were ordered not to interfere let us know what was the other. local. freedom there was a way. that they are riding a joke they are in that water and that sound. really friday's events that claimed the lives of a least forty people have shaking this usually laidback city in southern ukraine and many here now fear that has made the gap between the people and authorities to be to ever be breached while the pain will be too strong to overcome. from a desk. an update of what's going on right now an address around a thousand people have gathered near the police headquarters there demanding the
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release of the people who were detained after surviving friday's fire authorities already led dozens of young to go back to his goats after the crowded tend to storm the building which will get more updates from adesa via twitter feed and the school calm. moscow could pay the price of care fails to take control of eastern ukraine ahead of a presidential election at the end of may end of this month's washington in berlin say the unrest is russia's fold and they want their next round of sanctions will hurt on that later the program. a state execution went horribly wrong this last week in the u.s. say prisoners spend almost an hour insuring a slow agonizing death out of been given a lethal injection the whole botched killing is therefore put america's death
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penalty back on trial again inmates are supposed to die within six minutes after receiving the lethal injection that wasn't the case for clayton love it he took forty three minutes to die gasping and writhing in pain for his heart finally gave out miniport knight has been looking into the untested drugs now being used to kill the condemn it. america is among the top five nations that lead the world in executions but a recent lethal injection gone bad the typical execution should take between about six and twelve minutes forty three minutes a van burst lines were closed because something was going so wrong is casting a spotlight on the inhumane methods behind capital punishment in the us the american public and the world is getting a close up and personal look at the death penalty as it really operates and what we're seeing is ugly on tuesday oklahoma inmate clinton lockett died a slow and painful death after his lethal injection was administered witnesses say
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he was with the ring for forty three minutes telling doctors something's wrong before eventually suffering a massive heart attack lockett began rising from the gurney its head and ears were totally tried to speak in like a few numbers well the first two or inaudible but the third are you could clearly hear it work. and it's based on that it moved around quite a bit of a body shorter because according to reports the three drugs used to kill lockett are not primarily intended as execution drugs and come with a host of warnings about suppressing the respiratory system and causing heart trouble in recent years drug makers mostly in europe have stopped selling their medications to u.s. prisons because they don't want their products being used to kill individuals and as a result states have scrambled to find new suppliers and chemical recipes for executions in many cases officials refuse to disclose what struggles are being used and where
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they're coming from when the states are refusing to provide this kind of information the tragic results that we saw in oklahoma are what we're going to get in january and ohio inmate took twenty five minutes to die by injection. gasping repeatedly as he laid on the stretcher in oklahoma another prisoner complained of feeling his whole body burning after being lethally injected the injections by the way are being it ministered by prison officials not medical professionals and medical community doctors in particular are prohibited by their ethical oath from participating in executions in this way and one of the issues that's come up over and over again is whether the people who are actually administering the drugs in gauging the executions have the training and and experience to do this in a way that is consistent with our constitution oklahoma has granted
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a two we call to all executions but in many other states critics say experiments on death row inmates will carry on marina port naya r.t. new york well let's take a look for a minute how capital punishment is administered in the u.s. it's allowed in thirty two states usually lethal injection or a trick usually used but other options include the gas chamber firing squad even hiding but one of the biggest concerns for a prison company is that one in twenty five executed inmates could well have been innocent there's no going back though they want the authorities to be more transparent than about who and how they kill. there's no question that bad things are happening or resulting from the use of these new and largely untested drugs that the government is not providing information on where they got them or in some cases what the drugs are the state purports that it is executing people on behalf of the public to keep the public safe as part of the the public criminal justice system and so on if that's the case then the public has
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a right to know what is going on during that process so what drugs they're using and what the effects of the struggles are and where those drugs came from the notion that our government can execute people basically in secret using drugs that they're not disclosing where they got them from or what the drugs are is a great immoral issue coming up pre-election violence in iraq to look to it while washington has both has to pick with us see more than one after this break. economic threat. for. office now a. part. of
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the night. and that's one of the things that had me so excited about bitcoin is that it's technically technologically beyond the control of politicians and all in all it's can be a wonderful wonderful thing it's going to lift so many people out of poverty all over the world and if the politicians try and stop that that's on them that's them committing evil trying to prevent people from improving their situation in the world. will. technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've gone to the future covered.
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a lot of them about accountability when iraq after this week's parliamentary election with initial results showing no party securing a lead the vote didn't pass peacefully though at least two hundred fifty people were killed as extremist groups carried out a series of nationwide bombings. off next looks at whether this poll could in any way herald a peaceful new chapter for iraq. best described by the numbers. more
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than one thousand candidates are vying for over three hundred seats in parliament which will then elects the next president and prime minister some twenty one million iraqis are just there to vote in the first national election since the withdrawal of u.s. troops three years ago. but there are other figures to consider the growing number of iraqis killed in escalating violence and those displaced by war no single political bloc is likely to win a majority although prime minister nouri al maliki's state of law lines is expected to lead he's seeking a third term but it's hard to label the past few years a success as a country was sixteen percent unemployment widespread accusations of political corruption and crumbling public services but the real concern catastrophic levels of violence that got worse in the run up to the vote campaign rallies targeted by suicide bombers both sunni and shia militias have been out for blood.
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voting has been canceled in parts of western iraq the u.s. led invasion brought shiite majority rule to the country which had turned the anbar province into a focal point of sunni discontent when i was in fallujah this time last year the province was in the midst of a political uprising and the demonstrators had been demanding the release of sunni prisoners they wanted an end to what they saw as political marginalization of their sect these days it's a no go area. al qaeda linked groups seize control of key cities provoking fierce clashes with iraqi troops the government hasn't been able to restore order and atrocities committed by both molecules forces and the militants displaced a third of the population more than four hundred thousand civilians are now refugees within their own country it's hard to see a new path forward under the same government yet the opposition is too fractured.
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to mount a serious challenge and regardless of who wins the vote is just the start of a long process it took months to agree on a coalition after the last election the same is expected this time around which means that iraq will have to wait even longer for the change that so desperately needs of r.t. . and you look at the stats to speak for themselves around two hundred people are killed in iraq every week as a result of sectarian violence indeed since the beginning of the year four thousand people have lost their lives in this violence this ongoing violence that's off the grid entirely most of the twenty thirteen considered to be the deadliest year for five years almost ten thousand killed iraq war veteran peace michael prisoner says the killings are a legacy of the u.s. military campaign in iraq if iraq had gone through this transition to a perfect peaceful united government they would still be faced with a very very difficult legacy the complete destruction of the country's infrastructure the toxic legacy of the the uranium and things like that but
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a rat cannot even begin to face those problems because their lives are still dominated by the violence of the war and the sectarian violence all the strife we see today is a direct result of the u.s. occupation is the u.s. military didn't go to war against an enemy army the u.s. military went to war against a broad based national uprising against an occupation and so to fight it had to exploit all of the ethnic and religious divisions they could find few of them with violence and today we're seeing the aftermath of that. the u.k. police get a slap on the wrist for brushing a large number of criminal cases under the carpet and a recent survey suggests as many as one in five crimes in britain go unrecorded all the details of that investigation just a click away on our website from check in. the us for his influence further across the pacific striking a deal now for access to military bases in the philippines and why that r t dot com . washington stands firm that it's moscow that
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stirring up the arrest in east ukraine the white house used these photos of people who claim the russian agents even after these pictures indeed were debunked moscow is also being accused of manipulating data from propaganda to i was going to to come find so those claims though are a little dubious. secretary kerry keeps bringing up photographs which he says confirm the presence of russian operatives on the ground the state department saw the man the same bearded man now in ukraine and in georgia back in two thousand and eight then without any doubt came to the conclusion that it's moscow's hand they pointed at the bearded man in a group photo and claimed it was taken in russia among russian soldiers then the photographer of that very shot came out and said he in fact had taken the photo in eastern ukraine not russia anyway john kerry of making false claims when fact checking is not exactly his department strong suit under secretary for public
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diplomacy and public affairs which are stengel sort of followed up on secretary kerry's attack on our team last week where he called us a propaganda bullhorn mrs angle is accusing artie of making false claims and he gives examples he writes consider the way our team manipulated a leaked a telephone call involving former ukrainian prime minister yulia tymoshenko through selective editing the network made it appear that tymoshenko advocated violence against russia or the constant reference to any ukrainian opposed to a russian takeover of the country as a terrorist or the unquestioning repetition of the ludicrous assertion last week that the united states has invested five billion dollars in regime change in ukraine these are not facts and they are not opinions they are false claims well first of all and yulia tymoshenko has leaked a conversation mr stengel accuses are two of here a lot of borders here mr rushing to bed related violence against russia you don't have to edit or manipulate anything when the person actually says that they can
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listen to every national program and she gets. you have used if you choose to free you and you have to be movie. you have to most of the group at that very senior fellow said there's a vision of a pool that in the case of the five billion dollars invested in ukraine mr stengel makes it sound as if r.t.d. pulled out a mound out of the plane air here's the. system secretary of state for european and eurasian the arabs and victorian alike pave invested over five billion dollars to assist you train in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic train and in our coverage will continue to challenge everything the u.s. says about ukraine because if you only listen to what the u.s. state department says you would have almost the stored understanding of what's going on here in washington i'm going to check on r.t. . well in the meantime russia's foreign minister said western media outlets are crying propaganda over ati's coverage because the competition is no presents on twitter a former u.s. ambassador to russia referred to oxys growth something to be scared of citing that
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this graphic coming up here it shows how well various news outlets are doing on you tube there's r.t. to washington to spur topping the charts made all the accusations over ukraine the u.s. and the e.u. are expanding sanctions against russia this week washington targeted seventeen russian companies and their owners all linked to president putin according to the white house former speaker of the belgian parliament police moscow could react this time. will certainly not deny that these sanctions have some economic impact but i would certainly not over the size and. it's limited you should not forget that these incidents basically serve the public relations purposes here in the west. actually if you consider the gravity of the situation they're still quite mind which is not to say that they are politically soon well it is very important
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and yes one thing really russia will have to. respond to that. and in other developments in the week german chancellor merkel but the idea of more sanctions from moscow despite the country's business leaders urging it not to follow washington's lead their point is that the u.s. doesn't actually have much to lose its trade with russia reached only around twenty seven billion dollars last year while the figure for europe is four hundred ten billion now according to government a business consultant crystal horsetail any further restrictions is going to hurt all sides here nobody in the game can afford any of these sanctions they will hurt both germany for example is the biggest part of russia and russia is the biggest energy partner of old europe so what's the use of any sanctions washington's idea and the europeans are not very much for that and that that means . disagreement between the u.s. and the european union even if they come up with the same kind of sanctions right
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now. the question now of course how far is the west ready to go then will we translate for more on the odds of broader economic sanctions being imposed at our web site r.t. dot com gods months is that. according cairo sentenced under two supporters of the ousted president morsi to ten years in jail in the week they were accused of inciting violence and rioting during the military coup last july the ruling comes as part of a massive crackdown against the opposition launched by the military supported government ahead of this month's presidential election coming up early this week nearly seven hundred people many from the pro morsi muslim brotherhood are given preliminary death sentences now if the final verdict confirms the ruling it would indeed herald one of the world's biggest executions of recent decades more than the number condemned to death and around the entire year topping the list of countries handing out capital punishment by the way are iraq saudi arabia and the united
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states china doesn't publish official numbers but amnesty international says beijing executes thousands of people every year as for the mass sentencing handed out in egypt's political activist with told us it's some likely to quell the unrest there anyway. it's easy for the preliminary sentence to be so harsh because it politically serves as an intimidation tactic by the state towards the muslim brotherhood now this definitely has not deterred the muslim brotherhood from continuing their protests whomever will become egypt's next president will be faced with a virtually impossible economic situation the political continuous political andras economy will continue to suffer a major blogs and any president cannot deliver economic service is due to a society which inevitably will continue this cycle of underestimate violence making headlines right now tonight the latest round of fighting between rebels and
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eastern syria has killed sixty two that's according to a u.s. base watchdog sixty thousand civilians have reported fled the war ravaged area now moderate rebels and islamic insurgents there have been fighting each other for months after capturing the region government troops it's estimated one hundred fifty thousand people have died in three years now a civil war in syria. reporting more unrest in yemen fishel say at least thirty seven al-qaeda militants have been killed in heavy clashes with the army in the rest of south the suicide bomber also struck in the same region as well leaving six soldiers dead and wounding dozens more early this week yemen launched a scale offensive to eliminate al qaeda militants who repeatedly targeted civilians and security forces in the area. but another deadly government page in the us where two people including a thirteen year old girl have been shot dead in a house in arkansas two boys at the same residents were also critically injured the government later fatally shot another person before killing himself in a car earlier this week six people region atlanta after
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a delivery company employee opened fire on six of his colleagues. in may two thousand and four the e.u. undertook its biggest single enlargement absorbing a vast area of the continent's east the growing since those being tough with austerity recession and unemployment all playing their parts so what's it all worth it. reports next on what the people think. wild parties rocked ten european capitals in may the first two thousand and four as the e.u. became larger by ten countries for some of the new members like cyprus and malta this move had a purely economic motivations while for the rest mostly former socialist bloc states this was the chance to make a clean break from the communist past now a decade on these countries are looking at whether the e.u. accession really brought them joy poland is probably one of the happiest members of the e.u. to join in two thousand and four new road striking export figures and relatively
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intact from recession mainly because analysts say war so kept its currency instead of euro and even the clear downside from e.u. membership the population after millions of skilled balls left to western europe once borders became obsolete is not a deterrent still more than sixty seven percent of poles are happy to be part of the union the situation is slightly different in the czech republic later s'pore suggest that thirty seven percent are not in favor of being part of the e.u. family way thirty five percent supporting it the rest are undecided this may be down to the czechs feeling better living standards have not come as fast as they wanted them to come and sometimes they also made their feelings known during the protests when washington was planning to place an anti-missile shield on their territory in opinion you can often hear in the czech republic is that they do not like brussels bureaucracy and being told what to do over the past five years hungary has been one of the most vocal critics of the european union particularly
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its freshly reelected prime minister viktor orban there have even been suggestions voiced in budapest hungary could hold a referendum on exiting the union the reasons for such skepticism lie within the economy that well for two thousand and four the cheap goods flooded the market traditionally an agricultural powerhouse and many farmers lost their markets and means to survive. that happen is that their country being forced to pay for the economic. rubbles of the e.u. member states speaking of which one of the ten newcomers to the e.u. in two thousand and four cyprus is probably the least happy these are quite telling pictures from last year when the island suffered economic collapse and tens of thousands protested against the bailout plan which almost completely crippled the country's banking system a year on the island's economy is slowly recovering but the anger of losing a lot more money has not subsided among cypriots the two thousand and four accepted e.u. members are split about their decade within the family of twenty eight states not
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all of them have perfect ties with brussels but ten years after the e.u. accepted stand new states in one swipe it's now a lot more careful when it comes to enlargement. hindsight of looking back ten years kept a spade on the week's big business next kitty pilgrim will be after the break they're upping the world's big issues on forces got to use news lined up for you as well this is international. the american humanist association is really riled up over that one very famous
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chunk of the pledge of allegiance that was added to fight the communists in the cold war that says that america is one nation under god they claim that the inclusion of god in the pledge makes it seem like atheists in america are at best second class patriots and contributes to atheist prejudices well this really depends on how you see the united states is it some sort of neutral ground where anyone with any beliefs can go i mean a lot of people did immigrate to the usa for religious freedom so in this case the word god needs to go or is the state's unique culture that needs to be assimilated into and their culture is ultimately prostin christian in which case the lord almighty must stay in the pledge i doubt that this philosophical argument about the nature of the united states will be solved any time soon although it would be really great if it was but if we think about it the u.s. is a country of rugged individuals so can't patriotism be a bit individual istic yeah they may make you say the pledge of allegiance in school every day but you don't have to say the part about god if you don't want to well that might not save you from pressure from your religious schoolmates but it will keep your conscience clean before the eyes of god or not god whichever you
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prefer but that's just my opinion. and that's one of the things that had me so excited about bitcoin is that it's a complete technologically beyond the control politicians and all in all it's can be a wonderful wonderful thing is going to lift so many people out of poverty all over the world and if the politicians try and stop that that's on them that's then committing evil trying to prevent people from improving their situation in the world. in the middle east peace process this afternoon news is proud of this tremendous chance to pollute the peaceful dr for the best. so first up this way if you like minister benjamin netanyahu shiloh really does hold to engage the peace process with close. to us the bible we now cross the bridge to go as
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a teacher at the drop of a palestinian spokesperson said to the love as you can see. with the ninety six bones to recognize israel and thing for you. hello balkans red carpet still with me casey this week germany japan teamed up with the u.s. state of the sanctions against russia on allies this new partnership on the economic implications of poles they are about signed off a seventy billion dollar logie craze was according to the latest estimate should china is set to become the biggest economy in the world later this year portugal
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gets to break free from international financial support and to take this first but we will still call pretties are coming up to. germany japan and now threatening. against russia german chancellor angela merkel and his prime minister shinzo which together in berlin this week both declaring industrial powers would unite together on the approach to sanctions this follows president obama's visit to japan where he reaffirmed his support in its rao audience with china meanwhile moscow house arrest and to retaliate against foreign energy companies if sanctions are heightened but if the german and japanese leaders all chill on between punishing russia offer what they see as the a low for addicts of carmina on the protection of their economies especially and supplies from russia so first of all let's get to the f. he said to all of it all going to go to where our correspondent peter all of us is waiting for us so peter tell me you obviously we can see that what is the feeling
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there amongst the the business community in particular. well the business community of given anglo-american a clear message and that message is no further sanctions we've heard in the past week from some of the real heavyweights in the german corporate world the likes of be a s.f. the chemicals giant siemens the engineering organization for us in your bank now they've all their concerns over potentially increased sanctions both privately as well as publicly now they all view russia as a very important market to expand their business in some of these organizations where they've they've put decades worth of ground work in to try and establish these links with russia and they don't want to see them destroyed by further sanctions now to put into picture just how involved germany is. in russia six thousand two hundred german companies are currently operational that includes in
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russia operational in russia that includes that big household names that i mentioned as well as some smaller family run organizations that make things like machine tools tens of thousands of jobs could be at risk if the relationship between russia and germany economically was affected by sanctions and if there was to be say a catastrophic breakdown and not a relationship three hundred thousand german jobs completely reliant on trade with russia well the german economy has come out of the financial crisis as the main powerhouse in europe but if there was to be some kind of catastrophic breakdown in relations could see around two percent knocked off german growth next year and that could put the german economy on the cusp of a potential. potential recession so these are all very important things to be looked at and these are the messages that have been given a miracle before she can try to make any decision of whether germany would back
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further sanctions against russia big corporations that lost to laze lots of jobs at stake piece thankee think keep us up to date. speaking to us from today. we're not going to get over to london and join brenda kelly from i g to see what the international markets make of all this we know that the relationship between germany and russia is very tight in terms of trade when it rained in on japan so now because interestingly enough since you are they as i say he was in germany but he's been very popular because of what he's done to the japanese economy he's pulled it back from two decades of deflation i would imagine the business community in japan as well might be quaking in their boots just now when they hear the word sanctions. i would think once again for. a lot of the sanctions there have been a visa rather than any real economic i can only. ones i've yeah in some
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respects there is a very fine line that is a difficult task of striking a balance between standing by the u.s. which is obviously its main military ally and maintaining a good relationship with russia where in fact has a huge amount of resources and it also wants to build relations with russia too what ties with other neighboring countries like china and south korea have been strained before now as i said i think much of the sanctions from japan have been largely symbolic and of course given how tense of the economic recovery there obvious facing he was not necessarily want to push things too far particularly since i think this history that between russia and japan in terms of territorial issues there since nine hundred forty five or thereabouts so this is something about this they would need to sign a treaty over so there's a lot of history there that he probably won't want to force them too much on what do you make of the i.m.f. loan that's been offered to ukraine now is to finalize the seventeen billion
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dollars designed in. the. confidence of. well where you are really very much living in a fairly low sort of world over the last few years and of course our promise of a bailout loan is just that and we haven't actually seen any pressing of a book where it's actually landed in some account for ukraine just yet but it does seem like the i.m.f. are being quite supportive of ukraine because of course there is a lot of upheaval in the particular country only into this time since of course the annexation of crimea so i feel you know from a financial point of view this is pretty positive but i'm not so sure that just a bailout is going to be the be all and end all to what's actually going on in eastern europe. as well and of course it's a risk for the i.m.f. as well because it is such a to most to us a country at the moment so brenda kelly thank you for your time really appreciate about talking to us from the city of london i g.
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that now talking of ukraine let's just have an update on ukraine's finances and so as we were saying the international monetary fund were alone in ukraine seventeen billion dollars now three point two billion dollars of that money will be dispersed immediately the rest will be handed out over the next two years while the money will be used to keep afloat as it continues to battle the escalating debts including gas bills to russia but i met chief christine legarde she acknowledges the program dolls pose a risk for the fund itself citing geopolitical tension and potential difficulty for kiev to follow through on those conditions were certainly be watching the situation now talking of i.m.f. loans portugal set to follow island an exit is three year deal it was seventy eight billion euro is they want to exit the bailout this month now the troika of international lenders which does include the i.m.f. of course as well as the european commission and the european central bank have
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advised port school to stay with the loan program until the economy is most. but schools government is confident after some successful bold actions that the country can finance itself from now all. according to the latest estimation by the world bank china is now predicted to overtake the u.s. and become the world's biggest economy this year the u.s. has held this position since eighteen seventy two now says the two thousand and eight financial crisis the chinese economy has made up a quarter of total global growth is a quarter while according to the financial times the chinese economy may already be twenty percent larger than the official figures which means if true the country is already the largest however when these figures are presented on a per capita basis the outcome is very different the united states emerges in
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twelve position and china comes in a ninety ninth place now the world bank figure shows that qatar is in the top spot . now this call for news of what is about some of the stories that have poured my eye in russia this week. russia's biggest zinc plant like case in chile have been reported a loss of almost six million dollars twenty eight says the meteorite is partly to blame because it covers exxon a company spent one point five million dollars on damage caused by is a space wrong move it on six hundred employee the car giant ford plant in the leningrad region have agreed to leave the company employees were offered severance pay of up to five months pay which is actually about five and a half thousand dollars each production has been stopped for the past several weeks due to boarding cells and a weakening of the rudolph. and russian coal mine
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a chill house reportedly holds its mining at its u.s. coal business. week. prices are the problem the mine is whole to adoption until market conditions improve the value of coke and coal is at its lowest in eight years. ok let's see how tame kirby has been getting on you've been having an extremely successful time of it you've had a couple of weeks i haven't been so great but it's still why alp in supposed to tear it in terms of money he went down to solve some serious dairy action how did it pay off just like upon there will be unfortunately there's this website that doesn't really update as often as we but should called we could p.d.f. and unfortunately i didn't realize that wimbledon. no longer trades so we have to take with the lot of we get to hear oh my brother. i will sprint with get something and all vested for two weeks in
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a row to hopefully make up for things and you can maybe forgive me i've not going to give you we're going to get home by just. russia's largest lender and the only perry could russia that will give me a home loan which i still can't afford anyways so you don't care to look group that's a good big company can you forgive me ok let's get this straight we just need to clarify the fact that you chose a stock but it's no longer trading but it recently used to be ok i knew you just been buying pizza and having a jolly time of it you know it is seriously to value let's be honest about this that a lot of money and i'm not very happy so you know while you're on suspension. come on kid i am not even joking with you couldn't go on the bench for a wake we could are you guys are you sure it's going to be all about love every monday night. and i'll think about it i'm going to give you your job back but as it stands he's got
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a lot of money and it's got to be taken more seriously chasing a stop there's no longer trading is rather pathetic. so it's him is being punished for his lack of professionalism let's take a step to have a live and not to all the say yes it is all my holiday special edition say to me that i have a great week to fight. the . war is probably the most complex human activity.
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in the phenomenon of friendly fire probably extends back to the invention of gunpowder. kill a bunch of people who don't know what their families there are a us people. reading. this summer shoots my brother in the leg not intentional because of it because it was night times four in the morning even the best even the belch shoulders. are going to make mistakes this is this whole idea of brotherhood and author. and camaraderie in this sense it was in this context that has absolutely no place. in his secret laboratory tim curry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give
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a dollar amount anything tunes mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and we're going this is why you should care watch only on the dog. good afternoon prep news is back online today we take on another lives one of the most intractable divisive ongoing violent divides to happen in our time conflict going on but which is where in public one state to state or no straight solution to this protracted fight from county to majority top of the halls looking to kids back in time all peace talks have devolved into biden route to peace of lead nowhere but more war until now welcome to the us middle east peace talks this afternoon news is proud of this tremendous chance to prove the peace building the best would not stop
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a simple stop this way if you like minister benjamin netanyahu should all be be ready this whole time to engage the peace process with more clocks i mean rule rives all right well we'd like to bring the whole story to life please begin by telling us israel psychologists would rise the people who have suffered for tragedies centuries of persecution diaspora we were sold a massacre you sure you could try to have a white dot com but it doesn't suit us a problem a place to gobble up some told us it was you do to others go to good to be single yourselves like x. to this thing but love me because i hold that which is my god which the lord has to just forty eight we declared the blood of the jewish state your people have indeed suffered massively unimaginable and should have centuries not just in the middle east where but to be how it is in the holy land holy also to christians and muslims how can you claim that only jews own the land in keeping with the six days we fulfilled outsiders took it to good use of the west bank good in gaza to go to the
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occupied territories in the seventh to come with all the world's bases witness is great if they condemned it but it seems the un issued resolution two forty two calling on israel to give back those territories and george bush says they are you to. the legitimacy of the jewish state i'm just trying to produce symbolic weight what. guys are snots you ok ok just relax to hate to break it to us the bible we know crossed over to gaza to check the box for the palestinians folks pleasure but we said to the love that you could see. me with the ninety six bones this will be you recognize israel and sing for your. kids. cool. now it looks more like. mr netanyahu you killed. it was in self-defense no it was just too close to show the news coverage from the us.
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your national assembly of tonight's headlines plus the strategy a good place for politics or maybe terrorists israel retaliates with the strikes itself to put people in the west bank palestinian suicide homes or wrapping themselves into peaceful israeli bulldozers this well is under threat which is what it's shown on this map its settlements hope studly expanded but we end this injustice so explain we welcome john kerry secretary of state great to be back but you indulge your stress a bit american taxpayers have got israel covered too long because it has no country just for us foreign aid six which is one hundred forty billion dollars since the seventy's plus military weaponry no conditional strings with no conditions at all relevant preferred better if they could cut the stuff using our money to build new legal said it was your second smoke no i was just sitting there but because you serve right. we're getting a call from some jewish guy in brooklyn he's all plugged with of american jews he's prone to be posing you just heard him speak so low. you're on the screen this is
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norman finkelstein bring him to state the truth this case is who is a lunatic state it's no excuse to steal palestinian because jews for justice sorry to lose her innocent take the. everybody this guy's an astronaut's showed up baby i know you also can do american policy of funding to the palestinian territories ok fungal studies we get the gist of all this now we're focusing more cried the straight talk of the day covered by the pigs a slipped away starfish the legs were ok because to have israel's back that's true the only nation in the muslim backwoods that shares that you'd better give this a listen record look i'm pretty good just a lot to post this to receive support for the soldiers leave the israeli occupied territories to people who were supposedly colonists of the city college keep your eyes on the streets and scarlett johansson and my real job is
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promoting illegal occupations it's easy to start by taking other people's land in the sense that there's a push the new kids out of their homes cars imply checks and looks set to scream at you from israel and all of the flow. in the sky show look still listen let's keep reminding you about the long haul so redskin genocide or sliver of the american bases loaded based will. be sunk israel is a settler colony like canada america. is in the area to sail past the chestnut to get. a measure of what skill of the day i'm celebrating the day of the whales but your pets make looks roughly translates to a strategic and one of the sort that comes bobsleds beasts when so little of the end of may not so much will ever leave the palestinians make it stay home and.
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celebrate this wonderful. place the smiling faces just. just like most people in beijing i was gassed up on the end of my comment by. the bombing of. the club. and we sing live independent. party with us next but does not want to get into semantics but for. the moment this is far too complex to blame if we don't like that. it's a tragedy how can we help. him become something. more . serious why you.
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must. not. let it go. it seems that despite the use of the right we fail to see the real peace deal between israel and palestine nevertheless i hope we've expanded our minds and if prepared to share some final thoughts before we go to the dogs this might seem like some battle and whining of the people in another time but in fact the greatest challenge to live side by side to raise flags on which invisible we pray to in the sky and that is why they'll be peace nowhere until this peace in palestine is over if we want to live there was pressure from outside that ended the crimes of the pa to turn terrorists into winners of the peace prize the question is can we learn history lessons and apply them in our time when we finalize our direction it's clear with his love his state holds the power to change the tide or is the one state solution for us to unify rather than if not just in the middle east but globally barbara good.
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i wonder if we still if you still buy. the trailer i thought it was the most lead. to put. because i don't believe by any means that bashar
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assad is cut out of the same cloth so this is father who is so totally powerful engine troll leader in fact he may not be fully in charge. personel data are trusted at cloud service. that ensures protecting your privacy. could be erased randomly get stolen. or become a target of the n.s.a. . what if unclouded sky is right above the clouds on our t.v.
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. put it on your harmony watch it the bank of new knowledge face i just arrived. a pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i'm researcher. and that's one of the things that had me so excited about that one is that it's technically technologically beyond the control of politicians and all in all it's can be a wonderful wonderful thing it's going to lift so many people out of poverty all over the world and if the politicians try and stop that that's on them that's them committing evil trying to prevent people from improving their situation in the
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world. we see the number of casualties from the ukrainian government's military crackdown in the east and grows a few of the rest in several more cities in the region. the time rushes to blame russia for the tragedy in odessa as the so the new ukrainian city mourns dozens of anti-government activists killed in that deadly inferno but also in clashes with radical extremists. should to death by the state an american prisoner suffers a slow painful execution as untested drugs are used for the lethal injection but it's rigged knighted that calls for a moratorium on capital punishment plus. people from iraq who have bloodshed and civilian deaths continue to light the country's first general election since u.s. combat troops moved out
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a poll that shows no clear winner yet either. good evening from eleven oh it's nine pm no you're in moscow this is r t international i'm here with the big stories that shape the week in our weekly program and it's a story happening right now of course that still dominating our coverage was starting in eastern ukraine with that military crackdown on anti-government activists has been gathering pace all this past week at least seven people are now confirmed dead after saturday's fighting for control of the city of kramatorsk one of the hotbeds the ongoing hotbeds of antique resistance while this is also ruptured across other cities in the rest of region. is the force. dramatic developments here in southeastern ukraine where the news is unfolding fast and furious if we start with the town of qana tosk which is around seventeen kilometers
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from where i am in slavyansk they protest is all in control of the central square but the rest of the town has now been taken over by the ukrainian army all the shops are closed and we know we receiving reports that some full factories have been shut down this affects the employment of some sixty thousand people who are now without jobs then it's a region is a region where all public transport has been shut down what this means is that nobody can arrive here or leave from here using either the buses or the trains this is a weekend operation that took place it started on friday here in slavyansk it's affected kramatorsk it is falling fears announcement that it will crack down militarily against these protesters many of whom have taken up administration buildings in this part of the country in the city of new gun square now receiving reports of unrest protesters say that they are in control of the local military enlistment offices and that they're handing out weapons but in
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a very controlled and organized manner they said that they doing this to keep order in the city overnight there was also an raced in the town of mario poll we were talking to people on the ground who said that the military had entered the town the empty key of protesters were inside the administration building and they were telling us that they were being given orders to evacuate the building or else the military was threatening that it would fire on them despite this there is media outlets who are reporting that there is no military. and that all of this on race doesn't stand merely being instigated by the protesters but we did speak to people on the ground and this is what they told us. i'm in the center of the city there are a lot of ambulances outside the local administration building gunfire is being heard armored vehicles have entered the city and are moving towards the center people are going in there is well to prevent the soldiers from shooting well hoping they won't shoot at civilians though from what we've seen before we're not sure any more.
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armored vehicles started entering the city then the fire erupted mercenaries or the ukrainian national guard opened fire aiming of people's heads there's no fatalities so far but i can't say anything about the number of injured right now police have returned from the scene but people in dark uniforms can be seen in other parts of the city kid has announced that this military operation is happening and starting here in need in its region but that if it well then instigate similar operations in other regions here in ukraine so certainly the showdown for further violence and clashes is being created well out his policy is stationed out there now she's closely watching the situation in the region of dating on all the latest for a twitter feed in a later post she says shooting seems to resume to get near slavyansk in the last couple of hours follow her to keep up with all the latest events that are. being.
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done. for their part the authorities in kiev insist the military operation in east ukraine is aimed against what they call terrorists holding the civilian population hostage well here's how some of those civilians greeted the army's arrival anyway. some conflicting official narrative this in fact was filmed in the town of kramatorsk but similar scenes are taking place across the whole region in favor for example locals were seen trying to stop military vehicles with their bare hands. the east has been tense for a while now but a tragedy that took place in the previously peaceful southern port of adesa sent shock waves worldwide dozens of anti-government activists there were burned alive on friday as a mob of radical nationalists fire bombed the building that they'd taken refuge in
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riff national centers this report from a desa you may find some of the pictures coming up upsetting to. the adesa massacre as some are already calling it people were burned alive suffocated to death over shot and killed that has become one of the bloodiest pages in the city's history since world war two. the chain of events that led to dozens of das started with has become increased new reality. clashes between the police and the country's current trainers ordinary residents and members of the so-called self-defense units and supporters are interested in kenya including food choices and far life members . the best that usually these clashes were peaceful sites managed to agree without violence but the first death stored up further violence and people lost their composure they were ready to go to them. the end happened here in addresses
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trade unions house the epicenter of protests by supporters of ukraine's federalization this is where the so-called my down accidents rushed there were destroying and burning the activists tens many rent to hide inside a building that was meant to become a shelter became a graveyard for dozens after the building was set on fire. you can watch the fan camps and blocked off all the access to the building at the same time if the mode of cocktails along with stun grenades into the windows this was nothing short of an execution mission where people were burnt alive ukraine's a source she's for the first time since the crisis in the country started accused russia of being behind the violent events where more and more we demand that russia stop using terrorism diversion and its military threat as a way of putting pressure on our country's cause i'm betting that the russian president is dressing up his diversion squads and uniforms which cannot be
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identified because he wants to destabilize our country in a desk not all the residents agreed. they brought in the fuel cells from hard and dry sector along with my damn self defense forces showed up to will locals and i just i didn't know anything about it they were out drinking and celebrating labor day it was all pre-planned and police were ordered not to interfere with us thought it was the other. local police. read them and that there was a way out that they are all right riding the talk radio and that water and that sound. really friday's events that claimed the lives of at least forty people have shaking this usually laid back seat in southern ukraine and many here now fear that has made the gap between the people and authorities to be to ever be breached while
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the pain will be too strong to overcome. from a desk. just give an update of what we know how many are desperate a moment run a thousand people gather near the police headquarters there demanding the release of the people who were detained after surviving friday's fire the authorities have already led dozens of the anti government activists go after the crowd attempted to storm the building you'll get more updates from a sort of course twitter feed. underscore com. well let's try and catch up with neil clark journalist and broadcaster on the line from the u.k. has been following situation closely so a lot of this now hi neal thanks for the thanks for being with us today is thinking about address or is this going to be a turning point do you think in this standoff between the ukrainian the interim ukrainian authorities and and the pro russian protesters to those who are turning point or is worse to come i think worse could be to come and what happens in the
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next few days going to be absolutely critical here i really what is next i mean it's down to what happens in the u.s. because there's no doubt in my mind that the u.s. is actually in charge. of this. on the so-called terrorist program that they took part happened after the iraq. well i just just after easter so these sort of antiterrorist operations what the kids want to cause it has been a lot for the approval of the u.s. and so what happens next is really down such conversations probably happening right this moment between john kerry and the leading officials in the u.s. and the winter in kiev as to what happens next what do you make of it west response so far they want to address the public response anyway don't want to go beyond closed doors but what's been said publicly well there's been a deafening silence hasn't i mean you know just imagine cabinet is a taking place in venezuela just imagine if the venezuelan government would go on malicious to go to areas where anti-government protesters occupied buildings and
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they fire bombed them and over forty people were killed in a fire just imagine the reaction from john kerry for william hague from francois hollande cetera how about his weight in government on this both the ukrainian hunters dumbness and absolute silence which shows an incredible double standard and it's about his way to go but the response what we do about calls for as strikes for humanitarian intervention to protect the civilians of venezuela may because he's saying that my dear it was could his own people so the double standards are absolutely off the scale while talking of which focusing back on the east again the kim authorities really ramped up the opposition this week with the support from the west who at the same time a calling for peace. that is beyond a wedding isn't it i mean if the west generally wanted peace they will be writing in the telling them to hold their so-called antiterrorist operation in the east calling them to have dialogue calling them topical to select return code in the constitutional changes which were agreed at the geneva accords so i think that the west on the one hand is trying to attract south as
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a peacemaker is now behind the west is behind all this going on i'm afraid john kerry and the west and the e.u. and the us could stop all this tomorrow by simply getting on the phone to the cantor and telling them that this is not on but of course they're not you know they're doing the opposite this is an attempt to really destroy democracy in the ukraine it started with a coup in february and now we're seeing the most. according mages of violence taken against protesters it needs to be a great what you think going to come between now and the presidential elections will this kind of limbo continue is it going to ramp up or are things going to change after the elections how do you see it playing out well i think the next week is going to be actually critical here because if there are going to be robust it's like we saw and i guess that with forty five people burned alive there then i think that obviously russia's going to play a part here and say look this can't go on any longer we got a human rights issue here we've got people in fear of their lives here we hope we got the real cost abilities of massacres in the east and so the ball is in the court of the u.s. the u.s. is offering the u.s. the e.u. by deliberately of toppling the article which democratic government so it's now up
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to the u.s. took to sort of get on the phone to kiev and to tell him to stop this operation if that doesn't happen we could be into some very dangerous territory indeed because russia x. surely can't just sit back and allow russian people to be murdered massacred in this way so the next seven days could be absolutely crucial i think well from broadcast no clive thank you thanksgiving. a state execution went horribly wrong this weekend the u.s. a prisoner spent almost an hour ensuring a slow agonizing death after being given a lethal injection the botched killings put america's death penalty the whole theory of it back on trial when inmates are supposed to die within six minutes after receiving the lethal injection without wasn't the case for clayton lockett he
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took forty three minutes to die gasping and writhing in pain for his heart finally gave a report nies been looking at into the untested drugs the no be used to kill the condemn it. america is among the top five nations that lead the world in executions but a recent lethal injection gone bad the typical execution should take between about six and twelve minutes forty three minutes of being burst winds were close because something was going so wrong is casting a spotlight on the inhumane methods behind capital punishment in the us the american public and the world is getting a close up and personal look at the death penalty as it really operates and what we're seeing is ugly on tuesday oklahoma inmate clinton lockett died a slow and painful death after his lethal injection was administered witnesses say he was with the ring for forty three minutes telling doctors something's wrong before eventually suffering
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a massive heart attack lockett began rising from the gurney its head and there were only tried to speak in like a few times but well the first two were inaudible but the third are you could clearly hear it work. and it's based on. quite a bit of a body shattered because according to reports the three drugs used to kill lockett are not primarily intended as execution drugs and come with a host of warnings about suppressing the respiratory system and causing heart trouble in recent years drug makers mostly in europe have stopped selling their medications to u.s. prisons because they don't want their products being used to kill individuals and as a result states have scrambled to find new suppliers and chemical recipes for executions in many cases officials refuse to disclose what struggles are being used and where they're coming from when the states are refusing to provide this kind of
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information the tragic results that we saw in oklahoma are what we're going to get in january and ohio inmate took twenty five minutes to die by injection. gasping repeatedly as he laid on the structure in oklahoma another prisoner complained of feeling his whole body burning after being lethally injected the injections by the way are being administered by prison officials not medical professionals and medical community doctors in particular are prohibited by their ethical oath from participating in executions in this way and one of the issues that's come up over and over again is whether the people who are actually administering the drugs in gauging the executions have the training and and experience to do this in a way that is consistent with our constitution oklahoma has granted a two we call to all executions but in many other states critics say experiments on death row inmates will carry on marina port naya r.t.
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new york will see how capital punishment administered across the u.s. is allowed in thirty two states usually it's lethal injection or electrocution but other options include the gas chamber. firing squad reason may be hanging but one of the biggest concerns for prison company this is that one in twenty five executed inmates could well have been innocent in the course when the going is no coming back and won't the authorities therefore be more transparent about who they kill. there's no question that bad things are happening or resulting from the use of these new and largely untested drugs that the government is not providing information on where they got them or in some cases what the drugs are the state purports that it is executing people on behalf of the public to keep the public safe is part of the the public criminal justice system and so on if that's the case then the public has a right to know what is going on during that process so what drugs they're using
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and what the effects of the dish drugs are and where those drugs came from the notion that our government can execute people basically in secret using drugs that they're not disclosing where they got them from or what the drugs are is a great immoral issue this is out so you hope you stay with me much more after this quick break. was. was a little we will stand for europe the white europe the traditional europe for the free nation europe but. they should be arresting all those terrorists in kiev instead all of the presidential candidates the military junta the nazis who gave orders to kill their own people just because their culture and their views
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a different i. mean. i. we have to live in peace with brothers we shouldn't fight each other we are one people who will bring this. technology innovation all the developments around. the future. of the way in iraq after this week's parliamentary election with a mission result showing no party securing a lead the vote didn't particularly passed peacefully that at least one hundred fifty people were killed as extremist groups carried out a series of nationwide bombings. looks at whether this poll could anyway hold
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a peaceful new chapter for iraq. it's an election best described by the numbers. more than nine thousand candidates are vying for over three hundred seats in parliament which will then elects the next president and prime minister some twenty one million iraqis are just are to vote in the first national election since the withdrawal of u.s. troops three years ago. but there are other figures to consider the growing number of iraqis killed in escalating violence and those displaced by war are no single political bloc is likely to win a majority although prime minister nouri al maliki's state of law lines is expected to lead he's seeking a third term but it's hard to label the past few years a success has a country was sixteen percent unemployment widespread accusations of political corruption and crumbling public services but the real concern catastrophic levels
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of violence that got worse in the run up to the vote campaign rallies targeted by suicide bombers both sunni and shia militias have been out for blood. voting has been canceled in parts of western iraq the u.s. led invasion brought shiite majority rule to the country which had turned the anbar province into a focal point of sunni discontent when i was in fallujah this time last year the province was in the midst of a political uprising because of the demonstrators had been demanding the release of sunni prisoners they wanted an end to what they saw as political marginalization of their sect these days it's a no go area. al qaeda linked group seize control of key cities provoking fierce clashes with iraqi troops and the government hasn't been able to restore order and atrocities committed by both molecules forces and the militants displaced a third of the population more than four hundred thousand civilians are now refugees within their own country it's hard to see
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a new path forward under the same government yet the opposition is too for. proctored to mount a serious challenge and regardless of who wins the vote is just the start of a long process it took months to agree on a coalition after the last election the same is expected this time around which means that iraq will have to wait even longer for the change that so desperately needs some of our team. in fact around two hundred people are killed in iraq every week as a result of sectarian violence since the beginning of the year four thousand people have lost their lives in the violence after the grim tally of twenty thirty considered to be the deadliest to five years almost and people were killed in iraq war veteran peace because michael prisoner told us the killings are a legacy of the u.s. military campaign in iraq if iraq had gone through this transition to a perfect peace for united government they would still be faced with
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a very very difficult legacy of complete destruction of the country infrastructure the toxic like legacy of the pleated uranium and things like that but arac cannot even begin to face those problems because their lives are still dominated by the violence of war and the sectarian violence and all the strafe we see today is a direct result of the u.s. occupation is the u.s. military didn't go to war against an enemy army the u.s. military went to war against a broad based national uprising against an occupation and so to fight it it had to exploit all of the ethnic and religious divisions they could find few of them with violence and today we're seeing the aftermath of that. the u.k. police got a slap on the wrist for brushing a large number of criminal cases under the carpet a recent survey of facts just one of five crimes in britain go unrecorded all the details of that investigation just a click away from us. the us president flew further across the pacific we're tracking that to striking a deal for access not a military bases in the philippines underwire what it's all about at r.t.
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dot com. according cairo sentenced a hundred two supporters of the ousted president morsi to ten years in jail in the week they were accused of inciting violence and rioting following that military coup last july the ruling comes as part of a massive crackdown against the opposition launched by the military supported government ahead of this month's presidential election earlier this week nearly seven hundred people many from the muslim brotherhood were given preliminary death sentences if the final verdict confirms that ruling it would then herald one of the world's biggest executions of recent decades way more than the number condemned to death for instance in iran during an entire year topping the list of countries having a capital punishment iraq saudi arabia and the united states china doesn't publish official numbers but amnesty international says beijing executes thousands of people each year to as for the mass sentencing handed out in egypt political activists are with their give told us it's unlikely to quell the unrest anyway.
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it's easy for the preliminary sentence to be so harsh because it politically serves as an intimidation tactic by the state towards the muslim brotherhood now this definitely has not deterred the muslim brotherhood from continuing their protests would become egypt's next president will be faced with a virtually impossible economic situation the political continues political under us economy will continue to suffer a major blogs and any president cannot deliver economic services to a society which inevitably will continue the cycle of under arrest them violence. latest round of infighting between rebels and eastern syria's killed sixty two that's according to u.k. based watchdog sixty thousand civilians have reportedly fled the war ravaged area meantime moderate rebels and islamic insurgents they have been fighting each other for months off they captured the region through its estimated one hundred fifty
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thousand people three years of civil war in syria. more rest in yemen to reform where officials say at least thirty seven al qaeda militants have been killed in heavy clashes with the army in the restive south a suicide bomber also struck in the same region leaving six soldiers dead and wounding dozens more earlier this week yemen launched a full scale offensive to eliminate militants who have repeatedly targeted civilians and security forces in the area. it's another deadly gun rampage in the u.s. where this time two people including a thirteen year old girl have been shot dead in a house in arkansas two boys at the same residence are also critically injured the government later fatally shot another person before killing himself in a car earlier this week six people were injured in atlanta after a delivery company employee opened fire on six of his colleagues. twenty four seven dot com next live news update just over half an hour after the break there an extensive look at the chaos in ukraine for the people living through it each and
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every day. jeff or chapman from kansas is going on trial for murder but he is very afraid of jury prejudice is it because the jury is full of racists or has some sort of vested interest in seeing him get locked away no it is because he is a giant tattoo on his neck of the word murder written backwards wise or written backwards so he could read it in the mirror. nowadays we live in a total culture of almost complete and total myth so naturally chapman. wants to leave jail on a special trip to a tattoo parlor to get the ugly ink changed or moved yeah because he did something stupid his appearance now it is the obligation of the government to help him fix the problem he created often on these opinion pieces i am very critical of the government but this time the man is totally right you can't just take everyone on
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special trips across town so they can look good for their trial it isn't the state's fault that he has the word murder on his neck the prosecutors even said that chapman that it would be ok if he covered it up with something like a stylish curve for dapper turtleneck sweater it is not the job of the government to help you get rid of your very stupid and very incriminating debt too but that's just my opinion. for probably the most complex and difficult to. come. to the phenomenon of friendly fire probably extends back to the invention of
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gunpowder. to the cuban people. the one thing the families there are of us people. reading. this summer shoots my brother in the leg not intentionally because of it because it was nine times four in the morning even the best even the best soldiers. are going to make mistakes and this is this whole idea of brotherhood in order. and camaraderie in this sense it was in this context that has absolutely no place.
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good a cool guns chris is the city of lugansk we are now inside the barricade which has been set up around the perimeter of the square. people are on guard here. keeping watch over our city. who also does not do they keep watch around the clock there are no weapons or troops here you can see for yourself the barricades made of tires almost barbed wire going to chipotle this particular section has been reinforced to repel potential attacks which may come at any time of the day or night.
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other. than under budget. studio and on what is our government excuse me the skiff giunta done to unite ukraine when you make it is mobilized their army excuse me but against whom are they mobilizing who are the aggressors were are they have made some pies laid a clean tablecloth and i'm waiting for this aggressor to come and capture me when he's a going to come and then they disconnected our televisions after that they call this the diaspora how can it be a day ask for their eight million of us here who just speak a different language twenty million not eight no i'm talking about the number of russian speaking people here how long are they going to believe yes. i can sing a song in ukrainian i can recite your poem in ukrainian because there quickly what do you think about how ukrainians and russians get on together christiane. we're
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all slavs we have to live in peace we're brothers we shouldn't fight each other we are the one people we're all brothers my home and behind me russia reside the moment i have an aunt in russia and friends never ceased. we can't go to war against each other i don't even like to use the word this is the twenty first century how can two slavic peoples go to war and what are we supposed to make of today's order from the so-called kiev government. the so-called kill government gave the order to kill their own people in slovyansk how is it even possible i don't know what to say. they don't care about the geneva accords fascists they're o.s.c. monitors wondering about all over the place but what's going on i can't figure it out none of us can know who is in charge of this madhouse.
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we were just getting on with our lives and not bothering anyone. if they want to join the e.u. that's fine with those we're not against the west but we've always been friends with russia the russians don't interfere in our business and we've always got on well we've no reason to quarrel either with russia all the west so why send in troops it's just ugly. story this is our home we've got a culture and a language of our own what right do other people have to come here and start laying down the law you know both my grandfathers were killed in world war two. you i'll never sing glory to ukraine glory to bender i hope they get the message that all
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those responsible will have to be tried at the hague one of those know why send troops here they should be arresting all those terrorists in kiev and stood up for all of the presidential candidates the military junta the nazis who gave orders to kill their own people just because their culture and their views are different i'm just standing up for myself i'm not a politician. or a muscle muscle or a kalashnikov and you go here's the kalashnikov the latest model that's our automatic. nobody other weapons. head of the right sector is assembling a hit squad called don bus once it's assembled he's going to target us money because we're just unarmed people who are simply trying to protect our legitimate interests. he's made an announcement promising to pay ordinary soldiers one thousand dollars and officers five thousand dollars.
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from the field. for. you to be what they're about of course i'm going. to. sleep if you like but you know i want to bring. through the british. or the authors of the. show. because there's injustice going on in our country it was a coup and illegal takeover of power was used on the naturally the new authorities are setting up their own rules i'm in sight but out to anyone who disagrees is
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removed by any means possible it's either put in prison or killed. ah. these other rules. but they're not but by the slightly. if come let. us get let me out somebody. come not to let somebody. else. not come up but. you seem not. to see them you know but. reminding myself that if i knew. i would but if you were to come upon. she must. do something. thank you.
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but it's a pretty sure my will and you know i mean you do i know you know i. thought i was surprised. i was i always. tell my soon you see your mother summer so don't start. that's right i'm going to tell us. you know somebody my name is the tell us a phone number and i live in the city of cross and on their relation began the miners kept working there will working until a few days ago yesterday on april twenty second at nine pm a demonstration began here in the young guard square. just today's april twenty third and it still hasn't
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broken up. in unison words because it was also please tell us how do you feel about the right side his actions in ukraine. you could call it nazis or are you afraid of him ounces of course not why would we be afraid not all the miners around donbass have risen up yet if the whole of don't bust rises up together it'll be game over for everyone do you know that a soldier was killed a moment of what a day for if using to fight. this this is just the beginning yeah right this is just the beginning but how long will it last for well i have no idea we're doing our best standing here trying to put an end to it. i can say one thing only if the miners rise up it will be worse than my done a million times worse. people in the gun squee general russians in their hearts our people are russian at heart they gather here and chant russia i'm sorry but they
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wouldn't be able to use money to bring ten twenty or even thirty thousand people together to show russia i wouldn't be coming here daily to bring us porridge eggs and financial help you see the point of our activity here is to represent the interests of the people if the people say so then that's how it will be that is we do what the people say and if they say otherwise that means we'll do so as well. yeah. ok. that's what i'm yes. i get the story that all the talk of the crop. a little not much and that if they. do what the political editor of. the sun.
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was so there's a new a down so let's go to the senior political about. this you will see a bill i've always been that for the good of you is seventeen. when you are the point you have the time you were taught what has puzzled me well what do you think you could leave the neo soul on this or your new movie separte is if it will go away for a little over an amazing over the six love of just a lucky break up on a day with a forty. so many years left to go because that is the president right. to life and the prime minister to a public notice in the future there was after us with the more developed people then there's about both of you have all of little doubt that some like your son was
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the son of the littlest cleared up say oh that's not right guys when you look at the bottles in your book one of the names. in here these are those little ones the closer to the solaria were none the less he was just a little of the loving little guy mr you. know by the might of the new life in the village in the family. i wonder if we still if you don't buy. her trail i thought as to those lengths. to which are all by democrats because i don't believe by any means that bush. cut out of the same cloth as his father who was totally powerful. later in fact you may not be fully in charge.
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and that's one of the things that had me so excited about bitcoin is that it's technically technologically beyond the control of politicians and all in all it's can be a wonderful wonderful thing it's going to lift so many people out of poverty all over the world and if the politicians try and stop that that's on them that's then committing evil trying to prevent people from improving their situation in the world. choose your language. we could know if they're going to let us stay still some of. us choose to use the consensus to. choose the opinions that degrade to. choose the stories that impact the lives choose the excess off to.
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and the first woman to put. up the sort of it was i don't want here but i want you to want it was about how you want yes a little bit about what i want to tell you i use my pull from you they just want to show them that you mr what you put up was a cubicle you because you can be done yes you did you know i don't know about what he's being let us go do you got a job title you know but you know because let me show you when you flood to look up with us but how do you all cook what you did you was those. you caused when you believe your local leader has a true of. him a lot on your. mind turning to yet again showed up with the who was the from no
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one to tell him you know this voice because of that but i don't give them yeah. i mean how did you wash your hands you didn't. even consider. it i think yes because when you tell people when you know you got that you know where you get what you want to go to give them what you do if you're going to come out of your life you know cool new of. the social life. question which is you know you're here and. not just you but. i do want to do it right. you know now don't you like oh my.
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god you know money and it sucked. oh my oh my. god you have the little one already that is a kid to be over five hundred fifty. more. than that it was up. there the other snipped most of the from i got you out of it and now i think if you . don't voice in your food you just would be and you're doing it because of something weird if you can't have to get food without it. if it was. interesting enough. you can look at you but where are they going to stop insulting us when we stop calling the separatists and terrorists we get rich warning and we're called separatists that's how we've started greeting each other hello i'm a terrorist hello i'm a separatist. mention it at the moon the wish that we're no different from those people well except we don't speak ukrainian that's the only difference between us
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so why is it they hate their own people so much and where does all this bitterness and hatred come from what have we done to them to hate us so much if we were really such a pain in the neck so hooked on subsidies why don't they just leave us alone all the want is the right to determine our own future give us a referendum and we'll solve the problems also they're afraid of a referendum afraid of their own people but why the people have the right to vote well for on the land and work in the mines just leave us alone please please just let us be with peace loving people. yeah i'm from a desk. i wish you could ask the people how it's come to this country the reason why i don't want to show my face is because to my mind we live in a democratic country which is no freedom of speech and so with this there a loss of kidnappings in ukraine is not at all uncommon for people whose opinions are different you should be stopped in the streets in peace and. you know you need
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. you should be am. i do be can i should i didn't. you should have been a united needed. to do to and it. didn't use you want your. children it wasn't needed. for you to know yeah it was you didn't lose this one and she was alive why didn't you leave immediately if you please said i. asked. what you've. got at least it seemed like just an anxious kids are now six at least from watching dr parker do you think most people in
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a desa support or oppose the. number most of the work and if i think about eighty percent of the residents are against the euro my done their remaining twenty m. probably misled or just don't live here permanently almost all the locals are against them i don't know if they really did my down to make it a covert go and he did it why are they that now then what do they want. personally i'd say they want the plague of nationalism to spread all over ukraine mainly in the south east all the rest of ukraine needs any of this kind of nationalism. was. was there was a few. to you all we want the europe that the crusaders fought for west the europe the european nationalists fought for the europe of white people. muslims. the natives now
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they take away our lands. we will stand for europe the white europe. the traditional europe. for the free nation europe wide flow that glory to the nation. was what do you think about the situation in the country is it good or bad it's awful first they drove a wedge between us in our russian brothers. yang. as for me i'm neither going to travel to russia nor to anywhere else i want to live in a desert. i want everything to be fine. i want us to be friends with russia the west is not for us you know this union what's happening in our country it's
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a nightmare how you survive prisons my salary is ninety two dollars per month we can get by gas prices are now about to spike by seventy three percent let's see if the prices for medicines in the ready bit raised by sixty percent it's terrible really terrible. struggle for justice and wishing we've been waiting for the geneva agreements we got them and we're very grateful to russia fold them because we understand well that the so-called interim government as well as the rights of the party and some other nazi groups never meant to fulfill the obligations are not going to comply and simply count. they have different intentions to cut and kill with the slogan paying muscovites on trees down you know. for their girth roger was never heard of i heard that regulators who you know it was you. who was.
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in the. city sometimes i feel like we've all been used. in our setting is up against the southeast if ukraine the same way the setters against the cook the police. and then russia. i wonder who's interested in it and why i wouldn't want to be persecuted any person who is against the developments in ukraine may be accused of separatism and really go to jail that's why i want to stay anonymous. the ukrainian parliament adopted a law under which those guilty of acts of separatism and terrorism can be thrown into prison for ten to fifteen years or even for life we know fall into this category i'm not saying that it's you but your european colleagues some european authorities approved of crimean parliament adopted the law they did it so it
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appears that you i mean those european bodies agree with terrorists here i am a terrorist and know i'm facing a life sentence according to the current legislation and polite and communicate normally i represent the interests of the people you have to understand that not everybody can or is willing to put their own life at stake in order to save people . the only. thing that was it was always the should. all. go. oh ok
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bye. bye. oh i. was. told it. was if you. want to. thank you. thank you thank you.
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thank you. thank you. thank you. my. thanks to our. little sneak. only i won't speak on behalf of ukraine each person must speak up and say what he wants what he desires but while the authorities are afraid of the referendum why are they afraid yes they are. you but if they are not because then they must let us say what we have to say and we will but we are not separatists we are not radicals i live in hock i'm sixty one i want to understand where i live what country i live in the russian ukraine belarus need to unite machinelike russia down russia isn't here russia supports us morally but not physically americans are
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supporting they join to face likely. there are troops there are a lot of documents video material spread and materials proving that us nobody is interested me. but let me just look how many people come to the rallies and everybody is there from students to pensioners even veterans come ukrainian t.v. spreading lies there saying that russians are being brought in is even possible to bring so many russians look thousands of people come for rallies in eastern ukraine have they brought half of the russian population here they call us extremists we always ask for permission to hold peaceful rallies but they refuse us you know but
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it seems that the heroes of my done i will out to seize buildings to rob banks to kill people but we're not allowed to hold peaceful rallies you can see that we are unarmed we're not wearing masks we have only one demand who want to hold a referendum we want to be heard you can't force twenty million people into europe and nato against their will. exactly what happened that day i don't know but a woman got killed. piers later is when i got arrested for. for a crime i did not do. we have numerous cases where police officers lie about
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polygraph results. innocent people to confess to police officers don't beat people anymore i mean it just doesn't happen really. in the course of interrogation why because there's been this is like meant no because the psychological techniques are more effective in obtaining confessions than physical abuse and they were often they could get what they wanted they could say what they wanted and there was no evidence of what they did or what they said. the. war is probably the most complex and difficult to human activity. still locked up. in the phenomenon of friendly fire probably extends back to the
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invention of gunpowder. just killed a bunch of people you don't know if you want to say on the premises there are of us people. reading. this some of them shoots my brother in the leg not intentional because of it because it was night times four in the morning even the best commanders given the mesh shoulder. are going to make mistakes does this whole idea of brotherhood an author. and camaraderie in this set. it was in this context that has absolutely no place. for small data far trusted a cloud service. that ensures protecting your
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privacy. could be a race to randomly get stolen. or become a target of the n.s.a. . what if unclouded sky is right above the clouds on our teeth if. we all pull over my language at all but i will only react to situations i have read the reports and let you know what is the know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point i completely safe and secure a car as i was talking no god. no more weasel words. when you have a direct question be prepared for a change when you throw a punch be ready for a battle pretty tough speech and
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a little down to freedom to question. the week's headlines the number of casualties from the ukrainian government's military crackdown in the east grows feeling unrest in several war cities in the region. here is to blame russia for the tragedy in the deaths as the southern ukrainian city holds dozens of anti-government activists killed in a deadly inferno clashes with radical extremists. should to death by the state of american prisoners suffers a slow painful execution as untested drugs are used for the lethal injection it's reignited the call for a moratorium now on capital punishment plus. southport from iraq with bloodshed and civilian deaths continue to blight the country's first general election since u.s. combat troops moved out to the polls.


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